The organs of Paris
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2025 Vincent Hildebrandt HOME ALL ORGANS
Organiste titulaire Hampus Lindwall Famous organists in the past: Jeanne Demessieux Concerts Every Sunday afternoon 6PM Masses with organ Saturday 6PM, Sunday 9.30AM - 11AM - 7PM Videos Hampus Lindwall
E3 In 1933, Albert Alain was called to develop a project to build two organs: a large organ located above the portal of the church and a choir organ (the current organ) located above the west ambulatory. Due to lack of funds, only the small organ was built in 1934 by Gloton-Debierre. In 1968, Beuchet-Debierre made several changes, particularly in composition. At the Grand-Orgue, removal of the Bourdon 16'. The first 30 notes were however reused to serve as a 16' Soubasse independent of the Pedal. On the upper bord left vacant by the Bourdon 16', Beuchet-Debierre installed the Plein Jeu IIIrgs du Récit, which was increased by one rank. In the Swell, installation of an IVrgs Cymbal on the upper board left free by the Plein Jeu. At the console, the flat pedalboard is replaced by a concave pedalboard. In 1985, Jean-Marc Cicchero restored the instrument and made some modifications (replacement of the Flûte harmonique by a Cornet III, Nazard (which was reused in the Cornet) by a Doublette 2' at the GO - addition of a Flûte 4 to the pedal). In 1984, restoration and modifications by the organ builder Jean-Marc Cicchéro. At the Grand-Orgue, suppression of the 8' flute. Installation of the 8' Bourdon on the upper board left vacant by the 8' Flute. On the upper board left free by the Bourdon 8', installation of a Cornet IIIrgs: the Nazard 2 2/3' comes from the Récit, the Quarte 2' and the Tierce 1 3/5' are new. Modification du Plein Jeu of the Grand-Orgue. In the Récit, a Doublette 2' is installed in place of Nazard 2 2/3'. Finally, the Cymbale is recomposed. At the Pedal, addition of a new 4' Flute, on a complementary windchest. Upcoming: The former tribune organ of St Nicaise in Rouen, built in 1940 by the organ builder Louis Eugène-Rochesson, completed in 1957 by Beuchet (45/III) and restored in 1989 par Philippe Hartmann, will be transferred to St. Esprit. It will be placed on the tribune above the main entrance of the church and will serve as the Great Organ in addition to the existing choir organ (1934).
Jeanne Demessieux on the organ of Saint Esprit
Saint-Esprit was built between 1928 and 1935 by the architect Paul Tournon following a plan inspired by that of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. It was built of reinforced concrete with a facing of red bricks from Burgundy.Tournon said that the huge dome made light by the row of openings at its base, with the square nave that supported it, symbolized the union of the divine and the earth. The dome is 22 metres (72 ft) in diameter and its summit is 33 metres (108 ft) above ground level. Use of reinforced concrete for the vertical supports and the dome was a major technical feat at the time.
1934 - Gloton-Debierre (1) 1968 - Beuchet-Debierre (5) 1984 - Cicchero (5)

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Now an empty place, in the future the house of the new Grand-orgue…
The organs of Paris
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2025 Vincent Hildebrandt ALL ORGANS
E3 In 1933, Albert Alain was called to develop a project to build two organs: a large organ located above the portal of the church and a choir organ (the current organ) located above the west ambulatory. Due to lack of funds, only the small organ was built in 1934 by Gloton-Debierre. In 1968, Beuchet-Debierre made several changes, particularly in composition. At the Grand-Orgue, removal of the Bourdon 16'. The first 30 notes were however reused to serve as a 16' Soubasse independent of the Pedal. On the upper bord left vacant by the Bourdon 16', Beuchet-Debierre installed the Plein Jeu IIIrgs du Récit, which was increased by one rank. In the Swell, installation of an IVrgs Cymbal on the upper board left free by the Plein Jeu. At the console, the flat pedalboard is replaced by a concave pedalboard. In 1985, Jean-Marc Cicchero restored the instrument and made some modifications (replacement of the Flûte harmonique by a Cornet III, Nazard (which was reused in the Cornet) by a Doublette 2' at the GO - addition of a Flûte 4 to the pedal). In 1984, restoration and modifications by the organ builder Jean-Marc Cicchéro. At the Grand-Orgue, suppression of the 8' flute. Installation of the 8' Bourdon on the upper board left vacant by the 8' Flute. On the upper board left free by the Bourdon 8', installation of a Cornet IIIrgs: the Nazard 2 2/3' comes from the Récit, the Quarte 2' and the Tierce 1 3/5' are new. Modification du Plein Jeu of the Grand-Orgue. In the Récit, a Doublette 2' is installed in place of Nazard 2 2/3'. Finally, the Cymbale is recomposed. At the Pedal, addition of a new 4' Flute, on a complementary windchest. Upcoming: The former tribune organ of St Nicaise in Rouen, built in 1940 by the organ builder Louis Eugène-Rochesson, completed in 1957 by Beuchet (45/III) and restored in 1989 par Philippe Hartmann, will be transferred to St. Esprit. It will be placed on the tribune above the main entrance of the church and will serve as the Great Organ in addition to the existing choir organ (1934).
Organiste titulaire Hampus Lindwall Famous organists in the past: Jeanne Demessieux Concerts Every Sunday afternoon 6PM Masses with organ Saturday 6PM, Sunday 9.30AM - 11AM - 7PM Videos Hampus Lindwall
1934 - Gloton-Debierre (1) 1968 - Beuchet-Debierre (5) 1984 - Cicchero (5)

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