The organs of Paris
ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt HOME ALL ORGANS

Saint Philippe

du Roule

154, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré ,75008 Paris

Orgue de tribune OdC >

Saint-Philippe-du-Roule was built in 1774-1784 on the place of a former chapel. It was designed by Jean- Francois Chalgrin, with reference to ancient Roman basilicas. It was an example for many other churches (e.g. St-Pierre-du-Gross-Callou, Nrtre-Dame-de-Lorette,. Saint-Denis-du-Saint- Sacrement and Notre-Dame-de- Bonne-Nouvelle). The church was extended by an ambulatory and some chapels, designed by Hippolyte Godde (1843-1847) et Baltard (1853).
C3 The first organ was the former organ of the Jacobins' church of St. Honoré street (worked on in 1779 by Francois-Henry Clicquot), transported to St-Philippe-du- Roule by Somer, inaugurated in 1799. It was completely rebuilt by Joseph Merklin in 1861. Charles Mutin built a new instrument in 1903. Only the case of the Positif was preserved, but no pipes dated from before the revolution survived. Abbey renovated the organ in 1922. The pleins-jeux were recomposed, various mutation stops were added as well as a Bourdon 32’ on the Pedal. The instrument was revoiced. Renaud restaurated the organ in 1991, adding two stops. Futher works were done by Fossaert / Pellerin&Uys in 2009. In 2019, extensive work on roofs, vaults and ceilings required the removal and protection of the entire instrument. All the piping of the Grand-Orgue, Positive and Pedal was transferred to the workshop of Jean- Baptiste Gaupillat for storage while the buffet was fully "enceded" in order to preserve it during the work in the church. This work was a pretext for a general dusting of the instrument as well as small repairs. It was also an opportunity to put into operation the 32' Soubasse placed at an unknown time but whose installation had remained unfinished. This work was carried out in collaboration with Laurent Plet. Choir organ
1903 - Mutin (3) 1922 - Abbey (3a) 1948 - Picaud (6) 1991 - Renaud (3a) 2009 - Fossaert / Pellerin & Uys (6) 2021 - Jean-Baptiste Gaupillat & Laurent Plet (5)

III/40 - traction I-II-Ped. : mechanical; Barker machine

GO; III: electrical


Organiste titulaire Valérie Aujard-Catot Organiste célèbre ayant illustré l’instrument : Henri Mulet, Michel Boulnois Concerts Never Masses with organ Saturday 7:30 PM Sunday 9:30 AM, 11 AM and 6:30 PM Videos 2019-2022: Partial removal and re-inslatallation of the Great Organ as part of roof restoration works.. Removal and tuning of the Great organ Photo of the console
The organs of Paris

Saint Philippe

du Roule

154, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré ,75008 Paris

Orgue de tribune OdC >

ORGANS OF PARIS © 2024 Vincent Hildebrandt ALL ORGANS
C3 The first organ was the former organ of the Jacobins' church of St. Honoré street (worked on in 1779 by Francois-Henry Clicquot), transported to St-Philippe-du-Roule by Somer, inaugurated in 1799. It was completely rebuilt by Joseph Merklin in 1861. Charles Mutin built a new instrument in 1903. Only the case of the Positif was preserved, but no pipes dated from before the revolution survived. Abbey renovated the organ in 1922. The pleins-jeux were recomposed, various mutation stops were added as well as a Bourdon 32’ on the Pedal. The instrument was revoiced. Renaud restaurated the organ in 1991, adding two stops. Futher works were done by Fossaert / Pellerin&Uys in 2009. In 2019, extensive work on roofs, vaults and ceilings required the removal and protection of the entire instrument. All the piping of the Grand-Orgue, Positive and Pedal was transferred to the workshop of Jean-Baptiste Gaupillat for storage while the buffet was fully "enceded" in order to preserve it during the work in the church. This work was a pretext for a general dusting of the instrument as well as small repairs. It was also an opportunity to put into operation the 32' Soubasse placed at an unknown time but whose installation had remained unfinished. This work was carried out in collaboration with Laurent Plet. Choir organ
Organiste titulaire Valérie Aujard-Catot Organiste célèbre ayant illustré l’instrument : Henri Mulet, Michel Boulnois Concerts Never Masses with organ Saturday 7:30 PM Sunday 9:30 AM, 11 AM and 6:30 PM Videos 2019-2022: Partial removal and re-inslatallation of the Great Organ as part of roof restoration works.. Removal and tuning of the Great organ Photo of the console
1903 - Mutin (3) 1922 - Abbey (3a) 1948 - Picaud (6) 1991 - Renaud (3a) 2009 - Fossaert / Pellerin & Uys (6) 2021 - Jean-Baptiste Gaupillat & Laurent Plet (5)

III/40 - traction I-II-Ped. : mechanical; Barker machine

GO; III: electrical
